Saturday, March 12, 2005

Same but Different

So...odd thing happened today. I was having lunch in the cafe of a bookstore (v good idea that - read and eat...and read and drink and more reading - before you know it you've been there for hours!). Anyway - I got hit on by some old bloke! It started off fine; we were marvelling over how hot the sun was, then we moved onto the Olympics - both London and New York bidding for 2012 and then I got up to leave and he asked if he could see me again. All very strange - definitely wouldn't happen in London!

And then I got to thinking....Lots of things over here are the same - the clothes, the furniture, the bars, the language (well mostly: "periods" are completely different in the UK and we go to the toilet not the "restroom"). Its easy to forget that all countries have different cultures so when something different does happen it takes you by surprise and makes you feel slightly disorientated. London is notorious for its lack of eye-contact, insular, unfriendly culture - no-one looks at each other on the tube, women get assaulted and are surprised if anyone comes to their rescue. In the UK the Americans are made fun of because of their fake "have a nice day" catchphrases and the wearing of their heart on their sleeves a la Jerry Springer but I'm now wondering if actually some of you mean it when you wish me a nice day. Its nice catching people's eye on the subway and sharing the occasional smile. Humans are social beings - its why babies respond to smiling faces. Who would have thought that New York would be a more friendly place than London?

As long as I don't get hit on by creeps too often...unless they're young, fit and rich!


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