Of mice and men
Was out with a fellow britgal this evening. We got onto the usual subject (well one of them anyway) of men. I can't decide whether its the US "heart on the sleeve wearing" way or that men in London are just crap. It seems like most of my male friends are great (although a few have had their moments at various points in the past) but pretty much every guy I've dated suffers from commitment problems (the last boy commenting "I can't understand why any man would choose to get married these days"!). Was I a different person in London or did I just attract jerks? And are they really different over here or have I just met a rarity? (and is he in fact for real?) .What is it about men and commitment? Personally I think they are a bunch of wimps - why anyone would not want to love someone and have them love you back is barking. There is only so long you can get excitement out of your life on your own (when all your mates are paired off and doing their own thing, who are you going to tell your heroic, adventure stories to? - you can only impress grandchildren if you have some children of your own first!).
I feel like I'm ranting now and this post is turning into one of those where you wake in the morning with a hangover and think - what the hell did all that garbage mean?!!!
Going to bed with some nurofen...(which, by the way, is another thing you can't get over here!)
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