Thursday, May 18, 2006


So queuing (or "waiting on line" as the Americans say) is a bit of a social phenomena, I've realised... You have the British who are quintessentially anal about it, the French who are risque about it and the Americans come somewhere in the middle!

I roll up at the amtrak - after my knackering week with the mental lawyers and just want to get home (or at least begin my 3-hour journey in peace) and I find myself in the middle of a dilemma - do I join the queue which stretches halfway to North Carolina, or hang around near the gate and "push in" (UK term meaning: to join a queue in the middle and not at the end). Being still British enough to remember the sacredness of the queue, I join the end of the queue (note the importance of the "end" - not the middle or beginning - the END - the last position, after everyone else - I can send a diagram if necessary....)


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