grrrrrr AM SOOOOOO PISSSEEEDDDD OFFFF RIIIGGGHTTT NOOOWW. Was hoping typing in caps would help vent the frustrations but not actually sure I feel better. The boss told me off for taking cabs from Newark (don't even get me started on this one).So having landed on time 1 hour 40 mins ago, I've waited an hour for the shuttle (you know how it goes:
Agent: "the wait is 20 mins"
Me: "ok then"
30 mins later...
Me: "Where is he?"
Agent: "he is stuck in traffic. give him another 10 mins"
Me:"ok then...10 mins"...
repeat every 10 mins etc)
to be told it would take a further 2 hours (the flight from Montreal was 57 mins...that Canada...another country...) to get home (telling me when I booked my seat an hour previously may have been more useful...)
Abandoning that idea I then decided on the train and then a cab from Penn (too many stairs and turnstiles for a luggage-challenged person). Just missed one so am waiting for the 10.08. That should get me in about 10.40 and a cab home should get me working about 11, 1.5 hours later than if I had taken a cab....grrrrr.
I should just pay for one myself but I already do that from JFK and from Newark it ends up about $70 which is a fair amount to not expense every time. Bloody small company. Bloody skin-flint boss. Bloody skin-flint me! Well sod it. If my time to the firm is better spent on a platform for the sake of a 40 quid cab ride then I should just fuck it I suppose....
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