Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Plan, Stan?

ug. on yet another plane, this time back to UK. Just finished watching "Trust the man"

Think it was meant to be a sarcastic title since the 2 men in it are anything but trustworthy. one of them has an affair and the other can't commit, sound familiar? I wonder how many films have this theme? art imitating life?

I just don't get it. Will someone tell me the plan please? If men were born to screw around as A says and run away from commitment then what are our roles in life meant to be? Are we meant to live apart in male and female communes and just shag for babies, cos quite frankly that would suit me down to the ground. I miss my old flatmate soo much. We were always there for each other, saying nice words when brown stuff was flying off the various fans in life: job stress, men stress, illnesses, ntl(!) we knew everything about each other. Is it just plain unrealistic to want that with a man?

So many of my male friends have had to have some sort of crisis to make them "grow up" or "recognise what they truely wanted" (sounds like tripe to me!) . If it comes that unnaturally to them then maybe we should just let them get on with it and do their own thing and we do ours.

maybe I should set up a female commune....anyone in?


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