Thursday, November 09, 2006

its official - i'm old

have just had it confirmed by a train guard at Colchester station:

guard: you look cold
me: that's cos its freezing!
guard: blimey - what are you going to do when the snow comes?
me: hibernate I reckon!
guard: you want to get your husband to cuddle you
me: !$£%*^&

so...whereas men used to ask if I had a boyfriend (when I was young like a month ago in Canada), now they just assume I have a husband.

maybe its the 3 hours sleep I had last night (head thinking of all the things I would like the boy to say to me on my return and which he would never, ever say)

or maybe its the deep crevices that have appeared on my face recently, the dry chapped hands, the droopy eyes from being so wrinkly....

ok ok. I'm being self-indulgent now!

still...have to be thankful for small mercies - the carpet in first class is nicer to sit on than in pleb class....(yes I'm on a train going to London in third class again...)...actually it almost looks clean!


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